David Curtis
Over 20 years of experience, “I always knew that whatever I did in life it would connect me to the world through visual art and visual expression. Telling a story is what I do.”
David Curtis has always enjoyed adventure and creativity. “I have expressed my creativity as far back as I can remember.” David started to draw at a very young age and even did illustrations for his grade school newspaper. This eventually led to other art mediums such as charcoal, water color, oil painting, woodcut print making and video production.
“I always new that what ever I did in life it would connect me to the world through visual expression, telling a story and other’s stories.”
David has worked in video production for over 2 decades. “I still look forward to my job every day. I am always growing and constantly learning to stay on pace with the constant improvements to the industry.” After college he worked briefly for a post production facility in Denver, CO as an assistant editor. Moving on to Gunnison, CO working for Rocky Mountain Television as a camera operator and video editor for 8 years. While at Rocky Mountain Television, David worked on several award winning productions that helped guide him to go independent and work as a freelance producer.
“One of my most treasured opportunities is volunteering at a youth camp in the French Alps during the summers. I have a chance to work with teenagers and share my passion for video production by leading a Film and Video workshop where they can produce there own short film during a two week camp.”